Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge
On September 19 at 2:31 PM
We at, Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge want to THANK YOU all for Shopping Local!

Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge
On September 13 at 12:38 PM
Neudorf Plumbing and Heating are Lethbridge's boiler experts.
We install, repair and maintain all types of commercial and residential boiler systems.
Our experts can keep your boiler working properly all year long.

Please call 403-328-2533 or visit our website for any questions or to schedule an appointment.

Inquire online at

Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge
On September 06 at 1:44 PM
Your next renovation project just became more affordable! Neudorf Plumbing & Heating is pleased to offer financing!!

Find out more by contacting us at 403-328-2533 or visit to find out more!

Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge
On August 31 at 5:28 PM
Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge wish you and yours a Safe & Happy Labour Day Long Weekend!

Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge
On August 28 at 12:16 PM
Neudorf Plumbing and Heating in Lethbridge sells filtered water on premises where you can fill and sterilize your own bottles.
Our Self-Serve Filtered Water helps you clean, great-tasting water for your home or office at affordable prices.

Call us at 403-328-2533
Inquire online at

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