Carrier Cartridge Filters
Carrier Cartridge Filters
New Carrier Merv 8 FILCAAR Cartridge Filter
FILCCCAROO16 16" x 25"
FILCCCAROO20 20" x 25"
FILCCCAR0024 24" x 25"
Note: These filters fit in other brand cabinets.
FILCCCAR0016 Will fit in:
- * For MPKA and FILCAB Air Cleaner Cabinets
- * Replaces Carrier FILCCFTC which is obsolete
- * Heavy duty pleated media filter that can trap up to 28 times as many particles as a standard fiberglass filter, including animal dander and plant spores. It collects particales as small as .3 microns
- * Has large dust holding capacity. These filters can acccomodate between 23 and 35 sq ft of filter media into a unique low-pressure drop design-furnishing one of the largest dust-holding capacities available in resisdential air cleaners

FILCCCAROO20 20" x 25"
FILCCCAR0024 24" x 25"
Note: These filters fit in other brand cabinets.
FILCCCAR0016 Will fit in:
- * Honeywell 16" x 25" (FC100A1029, FC200E1029)
- * Trion Air Bear 16" x 25" Cabinet Size
- * Honeywell 20" x 25"(FC100A1037, FC20OE1037)
- * Trion Air Bear 20" x 25" Cabinet Size
- * Space-Gard 2200
Peeks Heating & Air Conditioning in Lethbridge, Alberta is your source for quality HVAC sales and service.
Date Added | 2016-06-21 |
Product Id | 10331628 |